I believe in America’s Constitution and its ordained Republic
An instrument for responsive governance
Of all the people,
By representatives of the people,
For the good of all the people.
Whose just powers derive solely
From the consent of the governed;
One existing to secure the inherent rights of all persons;
With equal privileges, immunities, and protections of law,
For all and with malice toward none.
I believe this Republic is one and indivisible;
Established upon the principles
Of liberty, equality, equity, and liberality
To which all authentically patriotic Americans
Commit their Lives, their Fortunes, and their Sacred Honor.
Furthermore, I believe I am duty bound
To love this hallowed Republic to,
Support its Constitution,
Champion its ideals,
And to work persistently for their realization.
To preserve, protect, and defend the Republic
Against all enemies either foreign or domestic.
In public offices, executive suites, armed gangs, or fanatical sects,
And any other people betraying or threatening this Constitutional Republic
Are personal adversaries, who I am also honor bound to oppose!
R. Lawrence Conley
18 May 2018
Photo credit: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/525795325236400155/?lp=true