13 January, 2019

Make Every Day Count

I do not wish for pathways free of obstacles
Nor views unmarred by haze or fog.
I do not seek a life of ease on a bed of roses.
I do not wish to avoid bitter pangs of doubt, sorrow, and regret,
Nor to live a life free of pain or fear.
I do not wish for any of these.
They are not what truly matters.

My wish is for courage in times of trial.
When skies darken and dread descends upon us all
And others lose heart, and burdens and blame fall on me,
May I find a quantum of resolve.

And see a ray of light amidst the gloom
When all seems lost but life itself,
May every gift life has given me flourish anew,
And may I share this blossoming with all entrusted to my care.

May I always be a friend worthy of that name.
And have in my life others who are the same.
May we abide in trust,
Supporting one another in times of sorrow,
And rejoicing together in times of joy.

May we defy the storms of life side by side.
And exemplify solidarity in word and deed,
In days of triumph and hours of need.
May my presence be a gift
That enriches the lives of all I meet
And may their presence elevate and enlighten mine.

I have but one more wish:
In every moment of every day
May I feel the worth of life and be inspired
In every hour of serenity or stress,
May I feel the truth within me:
That where there is life,
there is time, and
Where there is time,
Hope, however slight, endures!
These are my wishes for me without any pause.
And for all of us - now and while yet breath draws!

Larry Conley

08 June 2018
