06 September, 2018

For Which It Stands!

When we stand in our classroom as custom oft commands
We say the pledge as a ritual but with weak ardor and little thought
For the flag has no importance without the “Republic for which it stands.”
We must now show our commitment to doing what we ought!

The flag is just fabric in the colors red, white, and blue
The object of our allegiance is much more than a banner
And by our loyalties and efforts, we’ll make the Constitution true
As American patriots, we must always act in an honorable manner.

Since 1789, all patriotic citizens of goodwill, and fine ambition   
Have had a solemn duty to do all they could do
To advance the struggle to bring America’s promises to fruition
It is not to a party or person, but to ideals; we must be true!

Despite the passing time and all the mistakes, we’ve made
If we are people of our words with courage
America and Americans can finally make the grade.
Through every day, by every deed, we must embody honorable carriage.

In stadiums and elsewhere when the National Anthem's heard
Let us recall our solemn loyalty pledge
And let us kneel and keep our word
In this time that tries our souls, we must go to the edge!

For no tune can bestow honor or rouse nationalistic pride
If we scorn and scold the few, the brave
Who have freedom, truth, and justice on their side
Anyone who stands against them may be a traitor or a knave.

Our pledge is to something that’s real, but not visible
It is to a brave ideal of unity
That makes America one Nation, indivisible!
Our ongoing efforts must strive to build the Beloved Community.

The burden is upon each of us to rally to the call
And do anything that needs to be done 
To realize Liberty and Justice for all!
Until these apply to every American, the battle remains unwon!

Larry Conley
6 September 2018

Photo Credit: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjnwIn_nandAhXlYN8KHXRdAkEQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=http%3A%2F%2Ftuckmagazine.com%2Ftag%2Fdon-krieger%2F&psig=AOvVaw307NoLOAQU_WzNswV1DwAW&ust=1536421423077815

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