Let's censure President Trump for lying
And disgracing all our country has stood for
Abusing all the power that we gave him
And for money-grubbing like none ever have before
He's the man who hired all the criminals -
Alt-Right scammers who bring racism to the fore
They call fiction fact to fill the credulous with fury
And divide our citizens and rot our nation’s core
Let's censure the President for sowing
Doubt among our allies far and wide
Breaking every promise kept for decades
And hugging vicious tyrants to his side
What if Saudia Arabia attacked those tankers
Would Trump’s Regime have been brave enough to say
Sheltering MBS through corrupt connections
That pretend a vicious murder is okay?
Drip - Drop
Drip - Drop
Drip - Drop
Drip - Drop
Let's censure the president for totally lacking
The ethics, wisdom, and dedication we expected
Serving the desires of his donors and corporations
While utterly leaving duty and diligence neglected
Let’s censure the president for betraying
America’s honor routinely on the World scene
Picking fights with nations who share our values
And putting a nightmare in place of America’s dream
Photo credit: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/51b89491e4b03168d3436df5/t/5b5751442b6a28ce3b673b9b/1532449092686/CENSURE+TRUMP+by+J.+Bernstein.pdf
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