20 May, 2020

Every Citizen An Heir

We, the People, in far too large a measure, have either forgotten or willfully ignored a fundamental and abiding truth of the American Republic. It is not now, nor has it ever been an accomplished fact. It began as and remains an ongoing quest. The “Republic, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all” to which so many Americans have so often pledged allegiance is not some idyllic paradise in which tranquility reigns and with it ongoing survival and success assured. 

The Republic will endure, when and only when we the living hereby highly resolve that its roots have been watered by the blood of patriots who fought against all its enemies be they foreign or domestic. The Republic will succeed and bloom when our eternal vigilance and dutiful diligence engages and energizes us to constructive action to advance unity, liberty, justice, community, and prosperity for all Americans and for America as a polity. The Republic will wither if too many of us take it for granted or withdraw into personal fixations or trivial pursuits.

If We, the People, do not intelligently and indefatigably take care of the Republic, it will undoubtedly be taken from us and from our posterity. We, the Republic, must recognize that no one of us is them; there is no them! There is only US! Accordingly, the vast majority of Americans must supplant I in their political and social creeds and efforts so that Illness is transformed to Wellness. United we soar but divided we stall. From here onward, We, the People, must demand that those in power must see the Many as One and this perspective means WE all are US!

Every person born or naturalized in the United States is a citizen of the United States and of their state of residence. Every citizen is an heir to the foundational premises and fundamental promises of the American Revolution, and no citizen will be able to fully benefit from her or his inheritance or make the most of it until and unless the following principles are overwhelmingly accepted and pervasively practiced:

1.         The complete and equal humanity of every person is recognized and respected regardless of any differentiating physical, philosophical, intellectual, or social characteristics, or personal and sexual preferences among them.

2.         Each human is acknowledged to have the full complement of inherent natural rights, and these rights are recognized and respected in all persons by every person.

3.         Governments derive their just powers from the consent of all the governed, as ascertained through a free, fair, unfettered, and inclusive voting process.

4.         Whenever people in authority fail to protect and promote the natural rights, deserved privileges, and immunities of all citizens or to ensure every citizen has the full range of civil rights and civil liberties enjoyed by any citizen, it is the right and duty of citizens to depose such people and choose new officials to so protect, promote, and ensure.

5.         We support the realization of the preceding or progress toward it with our efforts, our resources, and our unremitting dedication.

6.         Unity of principle, purpose, and practice is continually improving throughout the land.

7.         Justice is established and functions effectively for everyone.

8.         Americans enjoy peace among themselves and insofar as possible are at peace with all the nations and peoples of the Earth.

9.         Americans contribute according to their abilities to a common defense of America.

10.       Robust and shared prosperity reflects, promotes, and sustains the general welfare of all.

11.       Our parents, ourselves, our posterity, and our compatriots enjoy the blessings of liberty to the maximum extent possible. 

12.       Involuntary servitude does not exist in the United States except as a punishment exclusively for people duly convicted of crimes.  

13.       No state may make or enforce any law which abridges the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States. And no state may deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law, and no state may deny any person subject to its jurisdiction the full and equal protection of the law.

14.       The right of any citizen of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude, political persuasion, sexual orientation, gender, social status, religious or philosophical creed, ethnicity, or ancestry. 

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